Source code for G2export_csv

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
########### SVN repository information ###################
# $Date: 2024-04-18 09:43:08 -0500 (Thu, 18 Apr 2024) $
# $Author: toby $
# $Revision: 5781 $
# $URL: $
# $Id: 5781 2024-04-18 14:43:08Z toby $
########### SVN repository information ###################
'''Classes in :mod:`G2export_csv` follow:
# note documentation in docs/source/exports.rst
from __future__ import division, print_function
import os.path
import numpy as np
import GSASIIpath
GSASIIpath.SetVersionNumber("$Revision: 5781 $")
import GSASIIIO as G2IO
import GSASIIobj as G2obj
import GSASIImath as G2mth
import GSASIIpwd as G2pwd
import GSASIIlattice as G2lat
import GSASIIfiles as G2fil

[docs] def WriteList(obj,headerItems): '''Write a CSV header :param object obj: Exporter object :param list headerItems: items to write as a header ''' line = '' for lbl in headerItems: if line: line += ',' line += '"'+lbl+'"' obj.Write(line)
[docs] class ExportPhaseCSV(G2IO.ExportBaseclass): '''Used to create a csv file for a phase :param wx.Frame G2frame: reference to main GSAS-II frame ''' def __init__(self,G2frame): super(self.__class__,self).__init__( # fancy way to say <parentclass>.__init__ G2frame=G2frame, formatName = 'CSV file', extension='.csv', longFormatName = 'Export phase as comma-separated (csv) file' ) self.exporttype = ['phase'] self.multiple = True # allow multiple phases to be selected def Writer(self,hist,phasenam,mode='w'): self.OpenFile(mode=mode) # test for aniso atoms aniso = False AtomsList = self.GetAtoms(phasenam) for lbl,typ,mult,xyz,td in AtomsList: if len(td) != 1: aniso = True break if mode == 'w': lbllist = ['hist','phase','a','b','c','alpha','beta','gamma','volume'] lbllist += ["atm label","elem","mult","x","y","z","frac","Uiso"] if aniso: lbllist += ['U11','U22','U33','U12','U13','U23'] WriteList(self,lbllist) cellList,cellSig = self.GetCell(phasenam) line = '"' + str(hist)+ '","' + str(phasenam) + '"' for defsig,val in zip( 3*[-0.00001] + 3*[-0.001] + [-0.01], # sets sig. figs. cellList ): txt = G2mth.ValEsd(val,defsig) if line: line += ',' line += txt self.Write(line) # get atoms and print separated by commas AtomsList = self.GetAtoms(phasenam) for lbl,typ,mult,xyz,td in AtomsList: line = ",,,,,,,,," line += '"' + lbl + '","' + typ + '",' + str(mult) + ',' for val,sig in xyz: line += G2mth.ValEsd(val,-abs(sig)) line += "," if len(td) == 1: line += G2mth.ValEsd(td[0][0],-abs(td[0][1])) else: line += "," for val,sig in td: line += G2mth.ValEsd(val,-abs(sig)) line += "," self.Write(line) if mode == 'w': print('Phase '+phasenam+' written to file '+self.fullpath) self.CloseFile()
[docs] def Exporter(self,event=None): '''Export a phase as a csv file ''' # the export process starts here self.InitExport(event) # load all of the tree into a set of dicts self.loadTree() # create a dict with refined values and their uncertainties self.loadParmDict() if self.ExportSelect(): return # set export parameters; get file name self.OpenFile() # if more than one phase is selected, put them into a single file for phasenam in self.phasenam: phasedict = self.Phases[phasenam] # pointer to current phase info i = self.Phases[phasenam]['pId'] self.Write('"'+"Phase "+str(phasenam)+" from "+str(self.G2frame.GSASprojectfile)+'"') self.Write('\n"Space group:","'+str(phasedict['General']['SGData']['SpGrp'].strip())+'"') # get cell parameters & print them cellList,cellSig = self.GetCell(phasenam) WriteList(self,['a','b','c','alpha','beta','gamma','volume']) line = '' for defsig,val in zip( 3*[-0.00001] + 3*[-0.001] + [-0.01], # sign values to use when no sigma cellList ): txt = G2mth.ValEsd(val,defsig) if line: line += ',' line += txt self.Write(line) # get atoms and print separated by commas AtomsList = self.GetAtoms(phasenam) # check for aniso atoms aniso = False for lbl,typ,mult,xyz,td in AtomsList: if len(td) != 1: aniso = True lbllist = ["label","elem","mult","x","y","z","frac","Uiso"] if aniso: lbllist += ['U11','U22','U33','U12','U13','U23'] WriteList(self,lbllist) for lbl,typ,mult,xyz,td in AtomsList: line = '"' + lbl + '","' + typ + '",' + str(mult) + ',' for val,sig in xyz: line += G2mth.ValEsd(val,-abs(sig)) line += "," if len(td) == 1: line += G2mth.ValEsd(td[0][0],-abs(td[0][1])) else: line += "," for val,sig in td: line += G2mth.ValEsd(val,-abs(sig)) line += "," self.Write(line) print('Phase '+phasenam+' written to file '+self.fullpath) self.CloseFile()
[docs] class ExportPowderCSV(G2IO.ExportBaseclass): '''Used to create a csv file for a powder data set :param wx.Frame G2frame: reference to main GSAS-II frame ''' def __init__(self,G2frame): super(self.__class__,self).__init__( # fancy way to say <parentclass>.__init__ G2frame=G2frame, formatName = 'histogram CSV file', extension='.csv', longFormatName = 'Export powder data as comma-separated (csv) file' ) self.exporttype = ['powder'] #self.multiple = False # only allow one histogram to be selected self.multiple = True def Writer(self,TreeName,filename=None,mode='w'): #print filename self.OpenFile(filename,mode=mode) self.Write('"Histogram","'+TreeName+'"') histblk = self.Histograms[TreeName] Parms = self.Histograms[TreeName]['Instrument Parameters'][0] for parm in Parms: if parm in ['Type','Source',]: line = '"Instparm: %s","%s"'%(parm,Parms[parm][0]) elif parm in ['Lam','Zero',]: line = '"Instparm: %s",%10.6f'%(parm,Parms[parm][1]) else: line = '"Instparm: %s",%10.2f'%(parm,Parms[parm][1]) self.Write(line) Samp = self.Histograms[TreeName]['Sample Parameters'] for samp in Samp: if samp in ['InstrName','Type']: line = '"Samparm: %s",%s'%(samp,Samp[samp]) elif samp in ['Azimuth','Chi','Gonio. radius','Omega','Phi','Pressure','Temperature','Time']: line = '"Samparm: %s",%10.2f'%(samp,Samp[samp]) elif samp in ['DisplaceX','DisplaceY','Scale','Shift','SurfRoughA','SurfRoughB','Transparency']: line = '"Samparm: %s",%10.2f'%(samp,Samp[samp][0]) else: continue self.Write(line) WriteList(self,("x","y_obs","weight","y_calc","y_bkg","Q")) digitList = 2*((13,3),) + ((13,5),) + 3*((13,3),) for vallist in zip(histblk['Data'][0], histblk['Data'][1], histblk['Data'][2], histblk['Data'][3], histblk['Data'][4], #histblk['Data'][5], 2*np.pi/G2lat.Pos2dsp(Parms,histblk['Data'][0]) ): line = "" for val,digits in zip(vallist,digitList): if line: line += ',' line += '%.6g'%val # line += G2fil.FormatValue(val,digits) self.Write(line) if mode == 'w': print('Powder data written to CSV file '+self.fullpath) self.CloseFile()
[docs] def Exporter(self,event=None): '''Export a set of powder data as a csv file ''' # the export process starts here self.InitExport(event) # load all of the tree into a set of dicts self.loadTree() if self.ExportSelect( # set export parameters AskFile='single' # get a file name/directory to save in ): return filenamelist = [] for hist in self.histnam: if len(self.histnam) == 1: name = self.filename else: # multiple files: create a unique name from the histogram name = self.MakePWDRfilename(hist) fileroot = os.path.splitext(G2obj.MakeUniqueLabel(name,filenamelist))[0] # create the file self.filename = os.path.join(self.dirname,fileroot + self.extension) self.Writer(hist) print('Histogram '+hist+' written to file '+self.fullpath)
[docs] class ExportMultiPowderCSV(G2IO.ExportBaseclass): '''Used to create a csv file for a stack of powder data sets suitable for display purposes only; no y-calc or weights are exported only x & y-obs :param wx.Frame G2frame: reference to main GSAS-II frame ''' def __init__(self,G2frame): super(self.__class__,self).__init__( # fancy way to say <parentclass>.__init__ G2frame=G2frame, formatName = 'stacked CSV file', extension='.csv', longFormatName = 'Export powder data sets as a (csv) file - x,y-o1,y-o2,... only' ) self.exporttype = ['powder'] #self.multiple = False # only allow one histogram to be selected self.multiple = True
[docs] def Exporter(self,event=None): '''Export a set of powder data as a single csv file ''' # the export process starts here self.InitExport(event) # load all of the tree into a set of dicts self.loadTree() if self.ExportSelect( # set export parameters AskFile='ask' # only one file is ever written ): return csvData = [] headList = ["x",] digitList = [] self.filename = os.path.join(self.dirname,os.path.splitext(self.filename)[0] + self.extension) for ihst,hist in enumerate(self.histnam): histblk = self.Histograms[hist] headList.append('y_obs_'+G2obj.StripUnicode(hist[5:].replace(' ','_'))) if not ihst: digitList = [(13,3),] csvData.append(histblk['Data'][0]) digitList += [(13,3),] csvData.append(histblk['Data'][1]) print('Histogram '+hist+' added to file...') self.OpenFile() WriteList(self,headList) for vallist in np.array(csvData).T: line = "" for val,digits in zip(vallist,digitList): if line: line += ',' line += '%.6g'%val # line += G2fil.FormatValue(val,digits) self.Write(line) self.CloseFile() print('...file '+self.fullpath+' written')
[docs] class ExportPowderReflCSV(G2IO.ExportBaseclass): '''Used to create a csv file of reflections from a powder data set :param wx.Frame G2frame: reference to main GSAS-II frame ''' def __init__(self,G2frame): super(self.__class__,self).__init__( # fancy way to say <parentclass>.__init__ G2frame=G2frame, formatName = 'reflection list CSV file', extension='.csv', longFormatName = 'Export powder reflection list as a comma-separated (csv) file' ) self.exporttype = ['powder'] self.multiple = False # only allow one histogram to be selected def Writer(self,TreeName,filename=None,mode='w'): self.OpenFile(filename,mode=mode) histblk = self.Histograms[TreeName] self.write(TreeName,histblk) self.CloseFile() if mode == "w": print(TreeName+' reflections written to file '+self.fullpath)
[docs] def Exporter(self,event=None): '''Export a set of powder reflections as a csv file ''' self.InitExport(event) # load all of the tree into a set of dicts self.loadTree() if self.ExportSelect(): return # set export parameters, get file name hist = list(self.histnam)[0] # there should only be one histogram, in any case take the 1st histblk = self.Histograms[hist] self.OpenFile() self.write(hist,histblk) self.CloseFile() print(hist+' reflections written to file '+self.fullpath)
def write(self,hist,histblk): self.Write('"Histogram","'+hist+'"') self.Write('') # table of phases self.Write('"Phase name","phase #"') for i,phasenam in enumerate(sorted(histblk['Reflection Lists'])): self.Write('"'+str(phasenam)+'",'+str(i)) self.Write('') # note addition of a phase # flag at end (i) for i,phasenam in enumerate(sorted(histblk['Reflection Lists'])): phasDict = histblk['Reflection Lists'][phasenam] tname = {'T':'TOF','C':'2-theta','B':'2-theta'}[phasDict['Type'][2]] if phasDict.get('Super',False): WriteList(self,("h","k","l","m","d-sp",tname,"F_obs","F_calc","phase","mult","sig","gam","FWHM","Prfo","phase #")) if 'T' in phasDict['Type']: fmt = "{:.0f},{:.0f},{:.0f},{:.0f},{:.5f},{:.3f},{:.3f},{:.3f},{:.2f},{:.0f},{:.3f},{:.3f},{:.3f},{:.4f},{:d}" else: fmt = "{:.0f},{:.0f},{:.0f},{:.0f},{:.5f},{:.3f},{:.3f},{:.3f},{:.2f},{:.0f},{:.5f},{:.5f},{:.5f},{:.4f},{:d}" refList = phasDict['RefList'] for refItem in refList: if 'T' in phasDict['Type']: h,k,l,m,mult,dsp,pos,sig,gam,Fobs,Fcalc,phase,Icorr,x,x,x,Prfo = refItem[:17] FWHM = G2pwd.getgamFW(gam,sig) self.Write(fmt.format(h,k,l,m,dsp,pos,Fobs,Fcalc,phase,mult,sig,gam,FWHM,i)) elif 'C' in phasDict['Type']: #convert to deg h,k,l,m,mult,dsp,pos,sig,gam,Fobs,Fcalc,phase,Icorr,Prfo = refItem[:14] s = np.sqrt(max(sig,0.0001))/100. #var -> sig in deg g = gam/100. #-> deg FWHM = G2pwd.getgamFW(g,s) self.Write(fmt.format(h,k,l,m,dsp,pos,Fobs,Fcalc,phase,mult,s,g,FWHM,i)) elif 'B' in phasDict['Type']: #convert to deg h,k,l,m,mult,dsp,pos,sig,gam,Fobs,Fcalc,phase,Icorr,x,x,x,Prfo = refItem[:17] s = np.sqrt(max(sig,0.0001))/100. #var -> sig in deg g = gam/100. #-> deg FWHM = G2pwd.getgamFW(g,s) self.Write(fmt.format(h,k,l,m,dsp,pos,Fobs,Fcalc,phase,mult,s,g,FWHM,i)) else: WriteList(self,("h","k","l","d-sp",tname,"F_obs","F_calc","phase","mult","sig","gam","FWHM","Prfo","phase #")) if 'T' in phasDict['Type']: fmt = "{:.0f},{:.0f},{:.0f},{:.5f},{:.3f},{:.3f},{:.3f},{:.2f},{:.0f},{:.3f},{:.3f},{:.3f},{:.4f},{:d}" else: fmt = "{:.0f},{:.0f},{:.0f},{:.5f},{:.3f},{:.3f},{:.3f},{:.2f},{:.0f},{:.5f},{:.5f},{:.5f},{:.4f},{:d}" refList = phasDict['RefList'] for refItem in refList: if 'T' in phasDict['Type']: h,k,l,mult,dsp,pos,sig,gam,Fobs,Fcalc,phase,Icorr,x,x,x,Prfo = refItem[:16] FWHM = G2pwd.getgamFW(gam,sig) self.Write(fmt.format(h,k,l,dsp,pos,Fobs,Fcalc,phase,mult,sig,gam,FWHM,Prfo,i)) elif 'C' in phasDict['Type']: #convert to deg h,k,l,mult,dsp,pos,sig,gam,Fobs,Fcalc,phase,Icorr,Prfo = refItem[:13] g = gam/100. s = np.sqrt(max(sig,0.0001))/100. FWHM = G2pwd.getgamFW(g,s) self.Write(fmt.format(h,k,l,dsp,pos,Fobs,Fcalc,phase,mult,s,g,FWHM,Prfo,i)) elif 'B' in phasDict['Type']: #convert to deg h,k,l,mult,dsp,pos,sig,gam,Fobs,Fcalc,phase,Icorr,x,x,x,Prfo = refItem[:16] g = gam/100. s = np.sqrt(max(sig,0.0001))/100. FWHM = G2pwd.getgamFW(g,s) self.Write(fmt.format(h,k,l,dsp,pos,Fobs,Fcalc,phase,mult,s,g,FWHM,Prfo,i))
[docs] class ExportSASDCSV(G2IO.ExportBaseclass): '''Used to create a csv file for a small angle data set :param wx.Frame G2frame: reference to main GSAS-II frame ''' def __init__(self,G2frame): super(self.__class__,self).__init__( # fancy way to say <parentclass>.__init__ G2frame=G2frame, formatName = 'CSV file', extension='.csv', longFormatName = 'Export small angle data as comma-separated (csv) file' ) self.exporttype = ['sasd'] #self.multiple = False # only allow one histogram to be selected self.multiple = True def Writer(self,TreeName,filename=None): self.OpenFile(filename) histblk = self.Histograms[TreeName] if len(self.Histograms[TreeName]['Models']['Size']['Distribution']): self.Write('"Size Distribution"') Distr = np.array(self.Histograms[TreeName]['Models']['Size']['Distribution']) WriteList(self,("bin_pos","bin_width","bin_value")) digitList = 2*((13,3),)+((13,4,'g'),) for bindata in Distr.T: line = "" for val,digits in zip(bindata,digitList): if line: line += ',' line += G2fil.FormatValue(val,digits) self.Write(line) if 'Size Calc' in self.Histograms[TreeName]['Models']: Rbins,Dist = self.Histograms[TreeName]['Models']['Size Calc'] for i in range(len(Rbins)): if len(Rbins[i]): self.Write('Calc size dist for model %d'%i) WriteList(self,['diam','dist']) for rbin,dist in zip(Rbins[i],Dist[i]): self.Write('%13.4g,%13.4g'%(2.*rbin,dist)) self.Write('"Small angle data"') Parms = self.Histograms[TreeName]['Instrument Parameters'][0] for parm in Parms: if parm in ['Type','Source',]: line = '"Instparm: %s","%s"'%(parm,Parms[parm][0]) elif parm in ['Lam',]: line = '"Instparm: %s",%10.6f'%(parm,Parms[parm][1]) else: line = '"Instparm: %s",%10.2f'%(parm,Parms[parm][1]) self.Write(line) WriteList(self,("q","y_obs","y_sig","y_calc","y_bkg")) digitList = 5*((13,5,'g'),) for vallist in zip(histblk['Data'][0],histblk['Data'][1], 1./np.sqrt(histblk['Data'][2]),histblk['Data'][3],histblk['Data'][4],): line = "" for val,digits in zip(vallist,digitList): if line: line += ',' line += '%.6g'%val # line += G2fil.FormatValue(val,digits) self.Write(line) self.CloseFile()
[docs] def Exporter(self,event=None): '''Export a set of small angle data as a csv file ''' # the export process starts here self.InitExport(event) # load all of the tree into a set of dicts self.loadTree() if self.ExportSelect( # set export parameters AskFile='single' # get a file name/directory to save in ): return filenamelist = [] for hist in self.histnam: if len(self.histnam) == 1: name = self.filename else: # multiple files: create a unique name from the histogram name = self.MakePWDRfilename(hist) fileroot = os.path.splitext(G2obj.MakeUniqueLabel(name,filenamelist))[0] # create the file self.filename = os.path.join(self.dirname,fileroot + self.extension) self.Writer(hist) print('Histogram '+hist+' written to file '+self.fullpath)
[docs] class ExportREFDCSV(G2IO.ExportBaseclass): '''Used to create a csv file for a reflectometry data set :param wx.Frame G2frame: reference to main GSAS-II frame ''' def __init__(self,G2frame): super(self.__class__,self).__init__( # fancy way to say <parentclass>.__init__ G2frame=G2frame, formatName = 'CSV file', extension='.csv', longFormatName = 'Export reflectometry data as comma-separated (csv) file' ) self.exporttype = ['refd'] #self.multiple = False # only allow one histogram to be selected self.multiple = True def Writer(self,TreeName,filename=None): self.OpenFile(filename) histblk = self.Histograms[TreeName] self.Write('"Reflectometry data"') Parms = self.Histograms[TreeName]['Instrument Parameters'][0] for parm in Parms: if parm in ['Type','Source',]: line = '"Instparm: %s","%s"'%(parm,Parms[parm][0]) elif parm in ['Lam',]: line = '"Instparm: %s",%10.6f'%(parm,Parms[parm][1]) else: line = '"Instparm: %s",%10.2f'%(parm,Parms[parm][1]) self.Write(line) WriteList(self,("q","y_obs","y_sig","y_calc","y_bkg")) digitList = 5*((13,5,'g'),) for vallist in zip(histblk['Data'][0], histblk['Data'][1], 1./np.sqrt(histblk['Data'][2]), histblk['Data'][3], histblk['Data'][4], ): line = "" for val,digits in zip(vallist,digitList): if line: line += ',' line += '%.6g'%val # line += G2fil.FormatValue(val,digits) self.Write(line) self.CloseFile()
[docs] def Exporter(self,event=None): '''Export a set of reflectometry data as a csv file ''' # the export process starts here self.InitExport(event) # load all of the tree into a set of dicts self.loadTree() if self.ExportSelect( # set export parameters AskFile='single' # get a file name/directory to save in ): return filenamelist = [] for hist in self.histnam: if len(self.histnam) == 1: name = self.filename else: # multiple files: create a unique name from the histogram name = self.MakePWDRfilename(hist) fileroot = os.path.splitext(G2obj.MakeUniqueLabel(name,filenamelist))[0] # create the file self.filename = os.path.join(self.dirname,fileroot + self.extension) self.Writer(hist) print('Histogram '+hist+' written to file '+self.fullpath)
[docs] class ExportSingleCSV(G2IO.ExportBaseclass): '''Used to create a csv file with single crystal reflection data :param wx.Frame G2frame: reference to main GSAS-II frame ''' def __init__(self,G2frame): super(self.__class__,self).__init__( # fancy way to say <parentclass>.__init__ G2frame=G2frame, formatName = 'CSV file', extension='.csv', longFormatName = 'Export reflection list as a comma-separated (csv) file' ) self.exporttype = ['single'] self.multiple = False # only allow one histogram to be selected
[docs] def Exporter(self,event=None): '''Export a set of single crystal data as a csv file ''' # the export process starts here self.InitExport(event) # load all of the tree into a set of dicts self.loadTree() if self.ExportSelect(): return # set export parameters, get file name self.OpenFile() hist = self.histnam[0] # there should only be one histogram, in any case take the 1st histblk = self.Histograms[hist] phasDict = histblk['Data'] tname = {'T':'TOF','C':'2-theta'}[phasDict['Type'][2]] if phasDict.get('Super',False): WriteList(self,("h","k","l","m",'d-sp',"F_obs","F_calc","phase","mult","Icorr")) fmt = "{:.0f},{:.0f},{:.0f},{:.0f},{:.5f},{:.3f},{:.3f},{:.2f},{:.0f},{:.2f}" for refItem in phasDict['RefList']: h,k,l,m,mult,dsp,Fobs,sig,Fcalc,FobsT,FcalcT,phase,Icorr = refItem[:13] self.Write(fmt.format(h,k,l,m,dsp,Fobs,Fcalc,phase,mult,Icorr)) else: WriteList(self,("h","k","l",'d-sp',"F_obs","F_calc","phase","mult","Icorr")) fmt = "{:.0f},{:.0f},{:.0f},{:.5f},{:.3f},{:.3f},{:.2f},{:.0f},{:.2f}" for refItem in phasDict['RefList']: h,k,l,mult,dsp,Fobs,sig,Fcalc,FobsT,FcalcT,phase,Icorr = refItem[:12] self.Write(fmt.format(h,k,l,dsp,Fobs,Fcalc,phase,mult,Icorr)) self.CloseFile() print(f'{hist!r} written to file {self.filename} in {self.fullpath}')
[docs] class ExportStrainCSV(G2IO.ExportBaseclass): '''Used to create a csv file with single crystal reflection data :param wx.Frame G2frame: reference to main GSAS-II frame ''' def __init__(self,G2frame): super(self.__class__,self).__init__( # fancy way to say <parentclass>.__init__ G2frame=G2frame, formatName = 'Strain CSV file', extension='.csv', longFormatName = 'Export strain results as a comma-separated (csv) file' ) self.exporttype = ['image'] self.multiple = False # only allow one histogram to be selected
[docs] def Exporter(self,event=None): '''Export a set of single crystal data as a csv file ''' # the export process starts here self.InitExport(event) # load all of the tree into a set of dicts self.loadTree() if self.ExportSelect(): return # set export parameters, get file name self.OpenFile() hist = self.histnam[0] # there should only be one histogram, in any case take the 1st histblk = self.Histograms[hist] StrSta = histblk['Stress/Strain'] WriteList(self,("Dset","Dcalc","e11","sig(e11)","e12","sig(e12)","e22","sig(e22)")) fmt = 2*"{:.5f},"+6*"{:.0f}," fmt1 = "{:.5f}" fmt2 = "{:.2f},{:.5f},{:.5f}" for item in StrSta['d-zero']: Emat = item['Emat'] Esig = item['Esig'] self.Write(fmt.format(item['Dset'],item['Dcalc'],Emat[0],Esig[0],Emat[1],Esig[1],Emat[2],Esig[2])) for item in StrSta['d-zero']: WriteList(self,("Azm","dobs","dcalc","Dset="+fmt1.format(item['Dset']))) ring = np.vstack((item['ImtaObs'],item['ImtaCalc'])) for dat in ring.T: self.Write(fmt2.format(dat[1],dat[0],dat[2])) self.CloseFile() print(hist+' written to file '+self.fullpath)